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Gift Ideas


14 Snarky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

February 6, 2018 • By

This post contains affiliate links.  If you click and purchase I may make a small commission.  Yay me!  However, it does not cost you one red cent more.  Yay you!  I call that a win/win.  Thank you for helping buy gifts for my snarky Valentine, the BHE!

Valentine’s Day, it’s not my favorite.

I know, surprise – surprise.

The expected gifts like chocolates, flowers, candy, and tacky stuffed animals are WAY too cheesy for me.

The BHE and I celebrate the big day a little different than most, and I love that.

While browsing for a snarky card for him, I decided to share some of my findings – they are just too good not to!

So, if you’re looking for a few funny gifts that still checks the box of getting a Valentine’s gift and showing that you care, browse these 14 cards and gifts that I’ve rounded up for you…

Tired of chocolates, flowers, and candy? Here's 14 Snarky Valentine's Day Gift Ideas! If you’re looking for a few snarky gifts that still checks the box of getting a Valentine’s gift and showing that you care, browse these 14 cards and gifts that I've rounded up. #giftsforhim #funnyvalentinesgifts



Mother’s Day Gift Ideas that She Actually Wants

May 9, 2017 • By

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching!

I have gathered a few gift ideas to help you out with your Mother’s Day shopping or creating your Mother’s Day wishlist.

Okay, I really wrote this post so that the BHE + Moto Boy will read it… ?

Regardless, here are a few Mother’s Day Gift Ideas that She Actually Wants!

Searching for Mother's Day Gift Ideas? Take a look at these Mother's Day Gift Ideas that She Actually Wants via Design Asylum Blog!

This post contains affiliate links.  If you click and purchase I may make a small commission.  Yay me!  However, it does not cost you one red cent more.  Yay you!  I call that a win/win.  Thank you for helping me find inspiration for my mom’s Mother’s Day gift!